Advent! Day 24

Advent! Day 24

Merry Christmas my lovelies! We’ve made it!  24 posts chock full of books, courses, videos, talks and more!   So what, or who, is behind our very last door? It’s the brilliant Sarah Appleton, my travel agent! More than anything else, 2018 has been the year...
Advent! Day 23

Advent! Day 23

Morning lovelies, Now, I suspect you’re all either running around getting the last bits ready for Christmas or you’re basking in the knowledge that it’s all done and all you have to worry about for the next few days is getting through all the food...
Advent! Day 22

Advent! Day 22

Whoop whoop, only 3 days to go! Door 22 has a real powerhouse (and I’d guess most of you are already familiar with her work but always good to get a reminder). Step forward Brené Brown! Brené has a huge body of work centring on the effects of shame,...
Advent! Day 21

Advent! Day 21

Oooh, last Friday before Christmas, schools breaking up and I’m guessing lots of you are finishing up with work today!   So, how about a little project to sink your teeth into over your Christmas break or to start in January?? Step forward door 21…who...
Advent! Day 20

Advent! Day 20

Hi-de-hi lovely ones!   I hope you’re all winding up work for a few days break now that we’re nearing Christmas.     Our 20th door is all about mental downtime.  When you run a business or manage a home and a job, maybe a family too, it can be...
Advent! Day 19

Advent! Day 19

Happy Wednesday y’all! Only 5 more doors after today! So let’s get straight to it, who’s behind door number 19? It’s Denise Duffield Thomas and her book Get Rich Lucky Bitch! Do you find yourself struggling to set prices that mean you reach...

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