Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Helen Soutar Limited! We are dedicated to providing you with quality Strategy and Resilience Mentoring services designed to inspire and facilitate personal and professional growth. This document outlines the Terms and Conditions under which our services are provided. We encourage you to read these terms carefully as they form the legal basis for our collaboration. By purchasing and participating in any service offered, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. We hope your experience with us is both transformative and enriching.


For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the following terms are defined as follows:

  • “Client” refers to any individual or entity that engages in one-on-one Strategy and Resilience Mentoring sessions provided by Helen Soutar Limited.
  • “Participant” refers to individuals who enroll and actively engage in courses, toolkits, and group sessions offered by Helen Soutar Limited.
  • “User” encompasses any individual who accesses or uses the website or platform provided by Helen Soutar Limited, regardless of their purchase or enrollment status.

1-1 Sessions

Strategy and Resilience Mentoring Sessions as provided by Helen Soutar Limited are a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Strategist/Mentor and the Client. Together, the Strategist/Mentor and the Client will engage in a thought-provoking and creative process designed to maximize personal and professional potential.


  1. The Client is responsible for their own physical, mental, and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions, and results. The Client agrees that the Strategist/Mentor is not liable for any actions or inactions, or for any direct or indirect results of the services provided. The services are not therapeutic and do not substitute for professional therapy if needed, nor do they prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.
  2. The Client understands that the services are not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical, or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters. If the Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, the Strategist/Mentor recommends that the Client informs their provider and may require a referral letter.
  3. The Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback, and dedicate the necessary time and energy to fully participate in the program.

Schedule and Fees
The schedule and fees vary depending on the program or appointment purchased. Specific details can be found in the confirmation email sent at the time of purchase or booking.

Appointments are scheduled at mutually agreed times and are conducted via Zoom, unless otherwise arranged. Clients who prefer not to use Zoom must contact Helen in advance to discuss alternative arrangements.

All information shared by the Client with the Strategist/Mentor, whether documented or verbal, is confidential but is not protected as a legally confidential relationship (like those in Medicine or Law). The Strategist/Mentor will not disclose any information pertaining to the Client without their written consent, except as required by law or as outlined in the exceptions (a) through (e).

Confidential information does not include information that:

  • (a) was in the Strategist’s possession prior to its being shared by the Client;
  • (b) is generally known to the public or in the Client’s industry;
  • (c) is obtained by the Strategist from a third party, without breach of any obligation to the Client;
  • (d) is independently developed by the Strategist without use of or reference to the Client’s confidential information;
  • (e) the Strategist is required by law to disclose;
  • (f) involves the disclosure of intentions or activities related to causing harm to oneself or others, or if there is a reasonable belief that the Client poses a serious threat to the physical safety of another person. In such cases, the Strategist may disclose necessary information to appropriate authorities, healthcare providers, or any other relevant parties to prevent harm.

Cancellation and Lateness Policy
Clients are required to notify the Strategist/Mentor at least 24 hours in advance if they are unable to attend a scheduled session. Clients will be billed for sessions missed without proper notification. The Strategist/Mentor will wait for 15 minutes before noting the Client as absent.

Refund Policy
Refunds are not provided for sessions that have already occurred or for appointments cancelled less than 24 hours in advance. For packages, refunds are calculated based on the standard prices of single sessions, less any payment processing fees.


For Single Sessions: The agreement for a single session concludes once the session is complete; however, the confidentiality obligations and any other terms intended to survive beyond the session will remain in effect indefinitely.

For Ongoing Programs: For clients enrolled in ongoing programs, either the client or the Strategist/Mentor may terminate the engagement with 30 days’ written notice. During this notice period, all scheduled sessions shall continue as agreed, unless otherwise cancelled in accordance with the cancellation policy. Confidentiality obligations and any other terms intended to survive the termination of the agreement will continue to remain in effect indefinitely following the termination date.

Courses and Toolkits

Description Helen Soutar Limited offers a series of five specialized toolkits and a signature course called “Raise Your Resilience.” Each toolkit focuses on one of the five main pillars of our resilience framework, designed to enhance personal and professional growth. The courses are hosted on the Heights Platform and feature community boards where Participants can engage in discussions, ask questions, and start debates. “Raise Your Resilience” includes monthly office hours and live rounds, where Helen Soutar hosts Zoom webinars to discuss weekly modules, incorporating both instructional content and interactive Q&A sessions. The frequency and scheduling of live rounds are determined based on program needs and Participant feedback.

Responsibilities Participants are expected to:

  1. Engage respectfully and constructively on community boards and during live sessions.
  2. Complete any assignments or tests associated with the course to the best of their ability.
  3. Adhere to the scheduled times for office hours and live rounds and notify the instructor if they are unable to attend.
  4. Respect the intellectual property rights of the content provided, refraining from unauthorized copying or sharing of course materials.

Schedule and Fees

The fees for each course and toolkit are prominently listed on my website, accessible through the navigation menu at the top of the homepage and most other pages. The schedule for office hours and live rounds is communicated within the course platform itself and through email reminders to all registered Participants. Additionally, live rounds are advertised to my general email list and on social media, targeting those who have expressed interest in purchasing the course during these interactive sessions. This approach ensures that all potential and current Participants can plan and prepare for their involvement effectively.

Procedure Upon purchasing a course or toolkit, Participants will receive an email with instructions on how to access and log into the Heights Platform. This platform allows Participants to download documents, complete assignments, watch videos, and download audio content. Participants can begin accessing content immediately after enrollment.

Confidentiality While Helen Soutar Limited commits to maintaining the confidentiality of all Participant communications in direct interactions, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed on community boards, in office hours or during live round webinars, as these forums are accessible to other users. Participants are encouraged to consider this when sharing personal information.

Refund Policy Refunds are available within 48 hours of purchase, allowing Participants to review the material and ensure it meets their expectations. After this period, refunds are not typically provided, especially since course materials can be downloaded and saved. This policy helps prevent the misuse of refund requests after accessing significant portions of the course content.

Group Sessions

Description Group sessions, including office hours and live round webinars, are integral components of the toolkits and the “Raise Your Resilience” course. These sessions are designed to facilitate interactive learning and provide direct support through real-time discussions and Q&A opportunities with Helen Soutar.

Responsibilities Participants in group sessions are expected to:

  1. Ensure they have the necessary software (specifically Zoom) installed and tested prior to the session.
  2. Behave in a professional and respectful manner during all interactions within the sessions.
  3. Be mindful that while confidentiality is maintained by Helen Soutar, the shared nature of the session means that interactions with other Participants are not confidential.
  4. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of all other Participants, refraining from sharing any personal information disclosed during the sessions outside of the group.

Procedure Group sessions are conducted via Zoom. Access links to each session are posted on the respective community boards and are included in reminder emails sent prior to the session. Participants are encouraged to join on time to ensure a cohesive session flow.

Confidentiality While Helen Soutar commits to confidentiality regarding any personal information shared by Participants during the sessions, it is important to note that these are group settings. Participants should be aware that information disclosed in these settings could be seen or heard by others. Participants are urged to respect the confidentiality of their peers and refrain from sharing details from the sessions outside the group.

Cancellation and Lateness Policy

  • Office Hours: Participants can join the office hours at any point during the advertised time. However, if the session is well-attended, not all questions may be addressed within the time available. Participants are welcome to email questions in advance, which Helen Soutar will address during the session, possibly in an anonymized form if preferred.
  • Live Round Webinars: A 10-minute window at the beginning of each webinar is provided for Participants to log in and settle in. Participants who expect to arrive late must inform Helen Soutar in advance and provide an expected time of arrival to ensure access.

Refund Policy Refunds are not applicable as group sessions are included as part of the overall course or toolkit package.

Access and Participation

General Requirements: To participate in courses and sessions offered by Helen Soutar Ltd, Clients/Participants need reliable access to the Internet. All courses and toolkits are accessible via the Heights Platform, which requires Participants to log in through a web interface. Sessions are conducted using Zoom, for which Clients/Participants will need to have functional software or the app installed on their device.

Revocation of Access

Helen Soutar Limited reserves the right to revoke access to any courses, toolkits, sessions, or platforms under certain conditions to ensure the safety, security, and respect of everyone within our community. This includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances:

  1. Chargebacks and Payment Disputes: If a Participant initiates a chargeback or disputes a payment through their bank or payment provider, their access to all services will be immediately suspended. This suspension will remain in effect until the dispute is resolved. Participants are encouraged to contact Helen Soutar Limited directly to address any issues related to payments before resorting to a chargeback.
  2. Inappropriate Behavior: Participants who engage in abusive, threatening, or any form of inappropriate behavior on community boards, during sessions, or in any interactions within the platform, will have their access to the services revoked. This action is taken to maintain a safe and positive environment for all Participants. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, harassment, use of offensive language, and the posting of inappropriate content.
  3. Misuse of Content or Services: Unauthorized sharing, copying, or misuse of any course material, proprietary information, or intellectual property without express permission is grounds for immediate revocation of access. This includes distributing content from the courses or toolkits to non-Participants or any form of piracy.
  4. Refunds and Revocation: In cases where access is revoked due to the reasons stated above, no refunds will be issued for any purchases made.

Privacy Policy 

For information on how we collect, use, and protect your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy. This policy details our practices concerning data protection and security measures in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Intellectual Property Rights

All materials, including videos, documents, audio files, graphics, text, and other content provided in any course, toolkit, or session are the exclusive property of Helen Soutar Ltd. These materials may not be copied, redistributed, or used in any manner not expressly permitted by this agreement without prior written consent.

Dispute Resolution

If you have any concerns or disputes about the services provided, please contact us at helen@helensoutar.com to discuss and potentially resolve the issue. We aim to respond promptly and fairly to all complaints. If a resolution cannot be reached through direct communication, further dispute resolution measures, such as mediation or arbitration, may be suggested before seeking litigation.

Contact Information

For any questions, concerns, or communications regarding our services or your engagements with us, please contact us via email at: helen@helensoutar.com

Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this agreement if the failure is caused by something beyond reasonable control, including but not limited to, natural disasters, war, civil disturbance, or technological failures such as disruptions in internet service. In such an event, the affected party shall be excused from performance for as long as such condition persists.


If any provision of this Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. This ensures that the overall agreement remains intact even if one part is declared void or inapplicable.

Survival of Terms

Certain provisions of this agreement are intended to survive the termination or conclusion of our services. These provisions include, but are not limited to, Confidentiality, Limitation of Liability, Indemnification, Intellectual Property Rights, and Dispute Resolution. The survival of these terms means that despite the termination of our services, the rights and obligations under these clauses continue to be enforceable according to their terms to protect both parties and ensure compliance with applicable laws.

Modification of Terms

Helen Soutar Limited reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. All modifications will be prominently posted on our website and/or communicated to our users via email. The date of the most recent revision will appear on this page.

Before any changes take effect, we will notify all existing clients and participants via email, providing a link to the updated terms. By continuing to use our services after these changes are made, you agree to the revised terms. This ongoing agreement is essential for maintaining your engagement with our services under the updated conditions.

Presentation and Agreement of Terms

Accessibility of Terms Our Terms and Conditions are permanently available for review on our website via a dedicated page, accessible through https://helensoutar.com/termsconditions. This ensures that you can access and review the terms at any time, at your convenience.

Agreement to Terms at Time of Purchase Before completing any purchase of services, courses, or toolkits from Helen Soutar Limited, you will be prompted to review and accept our Terms and Conditions. During the purchase process, you will be required to explicitly agree to these terms by checking a checkbox or clicking on an “Agree” button. This action constitutes your acknowledgment and consent to abide by the terms as presented.

Presentation During Enrollment Additionally, for clarity and thorough understanding, a link to the Terms and Conditions will be included in the registration or enrollment forms for courses, toolkits, or sessions. We encourage you to thoroughly review these terms before finalizing your enrollment.

Limited Liability

Except as explicitly provided in this agreement, Helen Soutar Ltd makes no guarantees or warranties, either express or implied. Helen Soutar Ltd will not be liable for any consequential or special damages arising from this agreement. Regardless of any damages that the Client/Participant may incur, the total liability of Helen Soutar Ltd under this agreement, and the Client/Participant’s exclusive remedy, will be limited to the amount actually paid by the Client/Participant to Helen Soutar Ltd for the services provided up until the termination of this agreement.

Legal Jurisdiction

This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. It is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. This agreement is binding and covers all engagements between the Client/Participant and Helen Soutar Ltd.

Entire Agreement

This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and reflects a complete understanding of the parties regarding the subject matter. This agreement replaces all prior agreements, whether written or oral, related to this subject. Any amendments or modifications to this agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

Effective Date: July 2024

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