by Helen Soutar | Tuesday, 28 July, 2020 | Blog, Resilience |
Resilience for Children: Where to Start Children, on the whole, are pretty tough. One of the benefits of a not yet mature brain is that, in most cases, they don’t overthink situations in quite the same way that adults do and are often much more forgiving and...
by Helen Soutar | Monday, 27 July, 2020 | Blog, Resilience |
What are Structural Inequalities? In both The Resilience Formula and Raise Your Resilience, we talk a lot about structural inequalities…but what are they? Let’s break it down Inequality: the unfair situation in society when some people have...
by Helen Soutar | Sunday, 26 July, 2020 | Blog, Resilience |
Why resilience is important Change is a fact of life. Building a toolbox of skills you can use to cope with change is one of the best investments you can make. Being able to adapt easily to change, even when that change is desperately desired, is something we...
by Helen Soutar | Wednesday, 15 July, 2020 | Blog, Resilience |
What is resilience? Google resilience and you’ll get over 200 million results, 165 million if you add ‘define’. The most common definitions talk about being able to recover quickly from difficulties, to bounce-back. The more you read though, the more...